Literacy Information

At Joondalup Education Support Centre, we agree with the statement “No student is too anything to be able to read and write” (David Yoder, ISAAC 2000).

Literacy at Joondalup ESC is multi-faceted, with a focus on providing all students with the essential core knowledge and strong foundations to become successful communicators, readers and writers. We follow a structured, coordinated, whole school approach to the teaching of literacy skills that caters for all students including those students with Complex Communication Needs.

Our evidence-based Literacy approach has been derived from a combination of research and best practice and is supplemented by high quality programs such as Talk for Writing and the Multi-Lit programs such as InitiaLit which are aligned to our teaching and learning programs. Student progress is scaffolded and supported by strategies that provide students alternate ways to demonstrate their understanding.

Classrooms follow a sequential program to plan and teach literacy skills starting from a pre-curriculum level. Having these school-basedprograms available ensures that all students are being catered for each and every day.
