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Kaya, welcome back to school and our 2025 school year. It has been a fantastic start to the year, with everyone returning to a new class excited and ready to learn.
We have had a busy start to the year with our smoking ceremony, assemblies, evacuation drill, Garden Club and Lego Club to name just a few of the activities that have been happening.

The garden area is also a place of learning so the shade has been very welcomed to keep students cool.
Therapy has commenced in Week 3, and many families and therapists are meeting with staff. IEP meetings have also commenced, and we anticipate sending IEP’s out to families at the end of Week 7. When you receive your child’s IEP please read through it and sign it and return it if you are happy with the outcomes. If you have any questions please be in touch with the classroom teacher.You will have received swimming notes through Compass, as we have swimming lessons for all students from PP – Year 6 in Weeks 9 and 10 this term. Please complete both consent and payment via your Compass app and return the hard copy form to your class teacher or direct to the front office by March 24.
This year we will be at Craigie Leisure Centre. Parents you are welcome to come and watch – however you will most likely need to pay an entrance fee. If you want to take your child home directly after swimming, please let the classroom teacher know, so we can bring your child’s school bag and any other items they may need. Please note we will be getting changed at school, not at the swimming pool. You are welcome to send your child to school in bathers if this is easier for you, just ensure they have school clothes to get changed into when we return to school.
Our senior students will be hosting the assembly on Friday 21 March at 9:00am, and everyone is welcome! Assembly days and times have changed in 2025. They are now on Fridays at 9:00am. Please check out our term planner for dates.
We will be celebrating Harmony and Ride to School day on Thursday 27 March. Details about where you can ride from will be sent out over the next couple of weeks. Students are invited to dress in orange, or wear something orange on this day.
You will have noticed changes to the administration gates at the front of the school. They are now electric and are opened via a button by office staff every time someone arrives or wants to leave. Please be patient with us while we transition to this new system. It ensures our gates are locked throughout the day.
Please do not push or pull on the gates as they are motorised.
If you notice any suspicious activity on School Grounds, please contact Security on 9264 4771 or the Police on 131 444.
Room 29 has had a wonderful start to the year, engaging in lots of play-based learning experiences alongside of all our new friends. While it has been tiring for many of our children as they begin their first year of fulltime school, we have had an amazing first few weeks.
Streamed literacy sessions have begun, and we have been reading “Hippo has a Hat”, which has loads of different animals wearing various items of clothing and it’s been so much fun to dress up the different characters as we read the book together.
During health we have been taking advantage of the hot weather to practice our personal hygiene skills, washing toys, gloves that have been painted and enjoying the cool water while we do so. The class has also explored the school grounds, becoming familiar with areas they may not have spent much time in before where they have found a few new exciting play areas.
Fun Friday’s have also started again with loads of messy play and opportunities to hone social skills with several other classes. We look forward to sharing more of our experiences next time!!

Variety – The Children’s Charity of WA
On Thursday 13 March, Variety will be presenting Joondalup Education Support Centre with a cheque for $7,500. This is in addition to a successful $2,500 grant bid by the school to help support families regardless of their circumstances. We will be working closely with the Primary School to look at how we spend this generous donation.
As part of this presentation, several vintage and classic cars will be on show at the school for the students to see and even sit in.
The cars will then head off in a procession to Lancelin on the next part of their journey.
We are sure the students and staff will enjoy this visit.
For further information on Variety, please visit
Kaya Wanjoo – Hello and welcome,
The Noongar season is Bunuru, the season of adolescence and the second summer and the hottest time of the year. Bunuru is also a time of the white flowers with lots of white flowering gums in full bloom, including Jarrah, Marri and Ghost Gums.
The After School Garden Club is in full swing with many exciting things happening this term. There are currently no places left.
Recycling Station
Remember to keep on bringing in your items for recycling. See the attached for what you can bring in. When dropping it in to the school please put it into the correct bin. Make sure items are not in a plastic bag and are clean. Our students diligently go through the bins in order to pack and send off for recycling and we don’t want nasty surprises for them. Our focus bin this newsletter is Coffee Pods – they need to be clean, not leaking and not in another bag. These are then packaged and sent to a local TerraCycle Material Recovery Facilities located in the same country in which the waste originates. Once sorted by category, the different material types are cleaned and then sent to third-party partners to process the materials into usable forms.
If you would like to know more about what you can do at home for recycling, go to
Containers for Change
- Continue to bring in your Containers for Change bottles/cans (clean and LIDS removed). Place in the big blue bin near the library. Leave your ring pulls on but take your plastic lids off. Alternatively use our school ID number at a community drop off point C10339712
Did you know our blue plastic school bench near the front office was made from 15 000 600ml water bottles?
If you would like a key fob with our school scheme number on it please see the office staff. Happy gardening and sustainable thinking,
Happy gardening and sustainable thinking,
Sandra Bennett – Environment & Sustainability Teacher (JESC). Sustainability Coordinator (Joondalup Schools)
Environment and Sustainability Room 34
Welcome to another exciting year with many sustainable projects occurring around the school and in my classroom.
Kindy students are being introduced to the vegetable garden space and chicken coop. This will involve lots of exploring and fun activities.
Rooms 23, 28, 29, 35, and 36 are learning about cooking and gardening – this involves practical life skills, growing food, making meals, and sustainable food choices. They will also learn about beneficial minibeasts in our school garden - How do they help the garden? What are they?
Rooms 14, 21, 25, 26, 2 and 22 will learn about our school chickens and how to keep them healthy and happy. This is a very hands-on
responsibility. They will also be helping to plant our new Bush Tucker Garden.
Rooms 1 and 3 are involved in Habitats for Wildlife - a pilot project with Perth Zoo. This project will introduce the topic of conservation where students will learn about conservation actions they can do to help wildlife locally and around the world. It will culminate with students designing and making nesting boxes to encourage native bird species to our school during STEM lessons. They will first learn about the sustainable use of natural resources. We will also go on an excursion to the zoo to learn about different habitats.
Rooms 27, 9 and 16 will learn about Sustainable Australia - This unit teaches students about the custodial responsibility First Nations Australians
have for Country/Place, and how this influences views about sustainability. They will also learn about the use and management of natural resources and waste, and different views on how to do this sustainably.
Mrs Bennett – Environment & Sustainability Teacher

I am excited to share the latest happenings from the visual arts room!
We’ve kicked off the new year with a refreshed, renovated space, and it has made a huge impact on the energy in the classroom. The students have been so enthusiastic about the new environment, and it’s been wonderful to see them settle in with excitement and creativity.
Rooms 2 and 22 have been immersed in the magic of primary colours (Red, Blue, and Yellow) to create their own masterpieces, inspired by Joan Miró’s iconic work, Sun Eater (1950). Miró’s playful use of bold lines, shapes, and vibrant colours sparked the students' imaginations as they experimented with similar techniques. They’ve been using colours and shapes to tell their own stories and express feelings, just as Miró did.
Rooms 1, 3, 26, and 27 have been exploring the fascinating world of warm and cool colours. Using watercolours, the students painted a warm-coloured sky and a cool-coloured water scene, with the clever addition of folding their paper in half to guide their designs. Next, they chose a type of bridge or bridge design to paint in black across their waterscapes, creating stunning contrasts and captivating artwork.
In Rooms 9 and 16, students have been exploring the beauty of sunflowers through art! They’ve been learning about the process of creating a still-life painting by following direct instructions first to draw the outline of a sunflower. This allowed them to focus on shape and proportion before moving on to colour.
Once their outlines were complete, the students used a monochromatic colour scheme to bring their sunflowers to life. By focusing on different shades of a single colour, they learned how to create depth and contrast within their artwork, adding dimension and texture to their flowers.
Stay tuned for more updates on their artistic journey!

P&C News
Welcome to Term 1, 2025. I hope all the new families have settled in well.
We look forward to a great year, where we hope to deliver fun, engaging and helpful programs and events, whilst also raising money for the schools.
We have put together a year planner, so you can see what we are hoping to organise and the rough timelines for the events. This may need to change at times, depending on volunteer availability.
Icy Pole Fridays
It's back! Every Friday at lunch time, icy poles will be available for sale from the old canteen. Please remember your $1 on Fridays and keep an eye on our Parents of JPS Facebook page for any changes/cancellations, so you can manage your child/ren's expectations.
2nd Hand Uniform Store
This is back in full swing and thanks to donations from our wonderful school community, there continues to be a variety of items available for sale.
State Election Sausage Sizzle
JPS will be hosting a polling booth for the state election on 8 March, so the P&C will be running a sausage sizzle to raise money for our schools. We are looking for volunteers to help with this event and you can sign-up for a shift at Thank you to those who have already volunteered.